Weight Issues

Weight issues are by far the number one complaint we see in the office, and for good reason. Americans are heavier than ever before, with an astounding 2/3 of us considered and classified as obese. So where did this come from? How did it get so bad. With this as with any other health issue its critical to figure out what is causing our bodies to store so many extra calories, expanding our waistlines year by year? below are some of the most common causes.
Diets in Saratoga, CA
Our diets:
Hormonal – Balancing your hormones that control blood sugar is absolutely essential to losing weight and keeping weight off in a healthy manner. Most weight loss programs that ignore blood sugar control have only temporary benefits.
Digestive – The inability to digest and absorb nutrients leads to food cravings and overeating. Pancreatic enzyme deficiencies, hydrochloric acid deficiencies, and gall bladder dysfunction are all common causes of poor digestion and absorption of nutrients. With poor absorption you will overeat until your basic nutrient requirements for protein, fats, vitamins and minerals are met. Untreated yeast overgrowth, often referred to as candidiasis, is a common root cause of weight gain. Any significant disruption in mucosal immune function will trigger yeast overgrowth. This leads to the excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sweets and undesired weight gain.
Detoxification – People who have chemical toxicity will hold excessive fluid in the body in an attempt to buffer the harmful effects of the harmful substances. This results in weight gain due to bloating and fluid retention that is often mistaken for fat.
As the links between lifestyle choices and health issues continue to be proven, its important to look into the causes of the problem
8:00am - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
Vital Health and Body
14375 Saratoga Avenue #101
Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 872-1031