Get Your Lifestyle Back!
Treat the cause, not the effect!
Chiropractic Care
Functional Lab Analysis
Stool Analysis
Urine Analysis
Saliva Testing
Blood Testing: Ordered Off Site
Food Allergy Testing
Toxin Testing
Customized Nutritional Plan
Health Coaching
Far Infrared Sauna
Whole Body Vibration Workout
How would you benefit from functional medicine in Saratoga?
While functional medicine has finally started moving into the main stream and gaining increased attention, it’s roots within traditional Eastern and Chinese medicine have been used for centuries to heal people.
Functional Medicine in Saratoga CA
Functional medicine as we know it today has taken the best of Eastern and Western medicine through critically important development in medical science, and promises to revolutionize medicine as we know it.
This reactionary approach will show you how to use functional medicine to address the causes of your illness, rather than focusing on the symptoms.
It is also important to stress that this is NOT what you would consider to be alternative or integrative medicine. Functional Medicine is Science-based. This would mean it takes fundamental change in the way we think about health and disease. We no longer accept a health care system that is based on medicine treating disease oriented and through functional medicine we offer a viable approach in reversing this trend. How do we accomplish this? As all functional medicine practitioners, we seek to address and identify the root causes of disease and view the body as one whole integrated system, not a collection of independent organs. We treat the whole system, not just the symptoms.
Sadly our healthcare system has stayed stagnant in its approach to health care while the state of our health has changed significantly. When doctors treat the Name of the disease and not the Cause, we must realize that we are at a time when old ideas are becoming rapidly obsolete and it’s time to offer a viable approach to reversing this trend. We now know that we can accomplish this through better understanding of patient concerns while taking into account nutritional, metabolic, environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors.
While most doctors are taught that you either have a disease or you don’t and for every ill there is a pill, with its focus on managing symptoms, as a whole it has grown less effective at treating chronic diseases.
Our traditional approach to treatment hasn’t changed much since the 1920’s, when our most serious diseases were infectious in nature; with a short term treatment of medication or surgery, it can no longer continue to be an option in the time when treating current chronic diseases requires a better approach.
Conventional medicine tends to break down and often miss the underlying causes and more subtle manifestations of illness and grows less effective at treating the current epidemics of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Chiropractic Care
Functional Lab Analysis
Stool Analysis
Urine Analysis
Saliva Testing
Blood Testing: Ordered Off Site
Food Allergy Testing
Toxin Testing
Customized Nutritional Plan
Health Coaching
Far Infrared Sauna
Whole Body Vibration Workout
Why The Change?
As a practicing Chiropractor, which is a physically demanding job, I knew I had to take care of myself. For years I’ve exercised religiously, I’ve been a runner, a cyclist, a weigh lifter and a boot camper, I’ve also tried many different diets, (vegan, vegetarian, mediterranean, and sometimes the not so healthy) to try and maintain my health. And then a couple of years ago I started to have some mild stomach pain, as months went by the pain got worse and worse. My primary doctor sent me to specialist after specialist. They poked and prodded, using every tool and diagnostic study they had. After a couple visits to the emergency room, 2 colonoscopies, an endoscopy, a MRI, numerous blood tests and finally an ultrasound, It was determined that the cause of my symptoms was a hemangioma on my liver. A benign tumor with no treatments needed or available. But that was the end of it! As if the diagnosis was supposed to be the cure. I was basically told to deal with it… I was sent home with a shrug of the shoulders. These doctors did exactly what they were supposed to do, and they did it very well, they went above and beyond what the current medical model would allow, but I was still suffering. And I realized that nowhere along the line had anyone ever suggested that I might be contributing through my diet or lifestyle choices. I realized that the problem was that modern medicine, while excellent in finding and treating life threatening diseases, isn’t useful with treating chronic diseases. They had successfully ruled out anything that would kill me, but I wasn’t getting any better. There had to be someone who had an answer. There had to be some kind of a solution. My frustration and experiences drove me to look further into the state of healthcare, and drove me to look for a different and better way.
This came at about the same time as I could no longer ignore the trends I had been seeing with my own patients:
- They weren’t responding to treatment as quickly.
- Many were asking what I could do with their chronic conditions because their primary doctor or specialist had tried everything and they were running out of options.
These people were in trouble, they felt horrible and truly sick, but as long as their conventional lab tests were normal or could be normalized with a variety of medications, they were considered healthy by their physicians. I decided someone had to do something, and after searching for the answers to their questions, and mine, and looking through study after study for some way to help my patients, I stumbled onto a new treatment model, it was called Functional Medicine, and seemed to have the answers I was looking for. I knew I could help people live a happier, healthier and longer life by using the principles already being used by Functional Medicine practitioners. So I started looking into different options to becoming trained as a functional medicine practitioner. After some research, I found the Institute for Functional Medicine, the worldwide leader in Functional Medicine training. Also at the time I was introduced to and started working with one of the pioneers in Functional Medicine, Dr. Daniel Kalish. I’ve trained with many different kinds of healthcare professionals, including: MD’s, pharmacists, Osteopaths, and Naturopaths. It has been extremely rewarding to collaborate with such a diverse group of colleagues. I believe my training and experience in Functional Medicine allows me to bring my patients cutting edge healthcare. I look forward to helping more people live longer and fuller lives. I know together with my patients we can change lives, theirs and others, for the better. I look forward to serving you!
Why is Functional Medicine Different?
Chronic diseases are spiraling out of control, and it’s become increasingly evident that a different healthcare approach is needed and warranted. It makes much more sense to prioritize the prevention of disease instead of treating it once it’s already present.
Functional medicine is one of the few healthcare disciplines that views and treats the body as a whole. This is vitally important to understand, because every system in your body depends on every other system to function properly.
Functional medicine is truly preventative medicine! We take our role as a health care teacher very seriously, in latin the word “doctor” means “teacher”. Our goal is not just to treat your condition but also to educate you on your issues, allowing you to take control of your own health! After all, it’s you that’s suffering from the condition, so why shouldn’t the focus be on you, rather than the approach conventional medicine takes by treating every diagnosis with the same treatment?
Functional medicine is unique in that it focuses on variations in metabolism to not only find the underlying cause of the disease, but to also identify any predisposition to its development in the first place.
To take this holistic approach we must consider all variables, including; your extensive personal history, genetic make up, occupation, nutritional and lifestyle. Ever single factor that plays a role in the expression of disease is analyzed!
Finally, once the cause of your condition has been diagnosed, a functional medicine practitioner uses the best resources from many different health care disciplines to properly treat the cause. For example, once the necessary biological, or genetic laboratory testing is completed, we review your results and at which time a practitioner will recommend a combination of dietary changes, supplements, exercise programs and lifestyle changes to treat your condition. Our goal is to make you healthy, but to do it in a sustainable way. We are here to help you make the changes necessary to becoming healthy and staying healthy.
If you are interested in learning more about our Functional Medicine services we offer at Vital Health and Body in Saratoga, please call our team today.
While functional medicine in Saratoga has finally started moving into the main stream and gaining increased attention, it’s roots within traditional Eastern and Chinese medicine have been used for centuries to heal people.
Functional Medicine in Saratoga CA
Functional medicine as we know it today has taken the best of Eastern and Western medicine through critically important development in medical science, and promises to revolutionize medicine as we know it.
This reactionary approach will show you how to use functional medicine to address the causes of your illness, rather than focusing on the symptoms.
It is also important to stress that this is NOT what you would consider to be alternative or integrative medicine. Functional Medicine is Science-based. This would mean it takes fundamental change in the way we think about health and disease. We no longer accept a health care system that is based on medicine treating disease oriented and through functional medicine we offer a viable approach in reversing this trend. How do we accomplish this? As all functional medicine practitioners, we seek to address and identify the root causes of disease and view the body as one whole integrated system, not a collection of independent organs. We treat the whole system, not just the symptoms.
Sadly our healthcare system has stayed stagnant in its approach to health care while the state of our health has changed significantly. When doctors treat the Name of the disease and not the Cause, we must realize that we are at a time when old ideas are becoming rapidly obsolete and it’s time to offer a viable approach to reversing this trend. We now know that we can accomplish this through better understanding of patient concerns while taking into account nutritional, metabolic, environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors.
While most doctors in Saratoga are taught that you either have a disease or you don’t and for every ill there is a pill, with its focus on managing symptoms, as a whole it has grown less effective at treating chronic diseases.
Our traditional approach to treatment hasn’t changed much since the 1920’s, when our most serious diseases were infectious in nature; with a short term treatment of medication or surgery, it can no longer continue to be an option in the time when treating current chronic diseases requires a better approach.
Conventional medicine tends to break down and often miss the underlying causes and more subtle manifestations of illness and grows less effective at treating the current epidemics of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Why the Change?
As a practicing Chiropractor at Vital Health and Body in Saratoga, which is a physically demanding job, I knew I had to take care of myself. For years I’ve exercised religiously, I’ve been a runner, a cyclist, a weigh lifter and a boot camper, I’ve also tried many different diets, (vegan, vegetarian, mediterranean, and sometimes the not so healthy) to try and maintain my health. And then a couple of years ago I started to have some mild stomach pain, as months went by the pain got worse and worse. My primary doctor sent me to specialist after specialist. They poked and prodded, using every tool and diagnostic study they had. After a couple visits to the emergency room, 2 colonoscopies, an endoscopy, a MRI, numerous blood tests and finally an ultrasound, It was determined that the cause of my symptoms was a hemangioma on my liver. A benign tumor with no treatments needed or available. But that was the end of it! As if the diagnosis was supposed to be the cure. I was basically told to deal with it… I was sent home with a shrug of the shoulders. These doctors did exactly what they were supposed to do, and they did it very well, they went above and beyond what the current medical model would allow, but I was still suffering. And I realized that nowhere along the line had anyone ever suggested that I might be contributing through my diet or lifestyle choices. I realized that the problem was that modern medicine, while excellent in finding and treating life threatening diseases, isn’t useful with treating chronic diseases. They had successfully ruled out anything that would kill me, but I wasn’t getting any better. There had to be someone who had an answer. There had to be some kind of a solution. My frustration and experiences drove me to look further into the state of healthcare, and drove me to look for a different and better way.
This came at about the same time as I could no longer ignore the trends I had been seeing with my own patients:
- They weren’t responding to treatment as quickly.
- Many were asking what I could do with their chronic conditions because their primary doctor or specialist had tried everything and they were running out of options.
These people were in trouble, they felt horrible and truly sick, but as long as their conventional lab tests were normal or could be normalized with a variety of medications, they were considered healthy by their physicians. I decided someone had to do something, and after searching for the answers to their questions, and mine, and looking through study after study for some way to help my patients, I stumbled onto a new treatment model, it was called Functional Medicine, and seemed to have the answers I was looking for. I knew I could help people in Saratoga live a happier, healthier and longer life by using the principles already being used by Functional Medicine practitioners. So I started looking into different options to becoming trained as a functional medicine practitioner. After some research, I found the Institute for Functional Medicine, the worldwide leader in Functional Medicine training. Also at the time I was introduced to and started working with one of the pioneers in Functional Medicine, Dr. Daniel Kalish. I’ve trained with many different kinds of healthcare professionals, including: MD’s, pharmacists, Osteopaths, and Naturopaths. It has been extremely rewarding to collaborate with such a diverse group of colleagues. I believe my training and experience in Functional Medicine allows me to bring my patients cutting edge healthcare. I look forward to helping more people live longer and fuller lives. I know together with my patients we can change lives, theirs and others, for the better. I look forward to serving you!
Why is Functional Medicine Different
Chronic diseases are spiraling out of control, and it’s become increasingly evident that a different healthcare approach is needed and warranted. It makes much more sense to prioritize the prevention of disease instead of treating it once it’s already present.
Functional medicine is one of the few healthcare disciplines that views and treats the body as a whole. This is vitally important to understand, because every system in your body depends on every other system to function properly.
Functional medicine is truly preventative medicine! We take our role as a health care teacher very seriously, in latin the word “doctor” means “teacher”. Our goal is not just to treat your condition but also to educate you on your issues, allowing you to take control of your own health! After all, it’s you that’s suffering from the condition, so why shouldn’t the focus be on you, rather than the approach conventional medicine takes by treating every diagnosis with the same treatment?
Functional medicine is unique in that it focuses on variations in metabolism to not only find the underlying cause of the disease, but to also identify any predisposition to its development in the first place.
To take this holistic approach we must consider all variables, including; your extensive personal history, genetic make up, occupation, nutritional and lifestyle. Ever single factor that plays a role in the expression of disease is analyzed!
Finally, once the cause of your condition has been diagnosed, a functional medicine practitioner uses the best resources from many different health care disciplines to properly treat the cause. For example, once the necessary biological, or genetic laboratory testing is completed, we review your results and at which time a practitioner will recommend a combination of dietary changes, supplements, exercise programs and lifestyle changes to treat your condition. Our goal is to make you healthy, but to do it in a sustainable way. We are here to help you make the changes necessary to becoming healthy and staying healthy.
If you are interested in learning more about our Functional Medicine services we offer at Vital Health and Body in Saratoga, please call our team today.